暗黑破坏神 > 秘籍 > 暗黑破坏神3终极邪恶版装备常用技能翻译一览


14-08-05 我要评论 来源:未知



  绿色部分是目前已经被移除效果,请无视!PS:请注意以下 阿拉伯数字 并不固定,在游戏中都是随机生成的!

  +(416-500) 体能 +(416-500)Vitality

  +(416-500) 力量 +(416-500)Strength

  +(416-500) 敏捷 +(416-500)Dexterity

  +(416-500) 智力 +(416-500)Intelligence

  +(6-10)% 伤害 +(6-10)% Damage

  +(60-80)-(120-160) 点伤害 +(60-80)-(120-160)Damage

  +(10-15)% 生命值 +(10-15)%Life

  +(373-397) 护甲值 +(373-397)Armor

  +(10-12)% 移动速度 +(10-12)%Movement Speed

  +16% 格挡机率 +16%Chance to Block

  +(32-35)% 怪物金币掉落量 +(32-35)%Extra Gold from Monsters

  攻击速度提高 (5.0-7.0)% Attack Speed Increased by (5.0-7.0)%

  寻获魔法物品机率提高 (25-50)% (25-50)% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items

  对精英怪的伤害提高 (25-30)% Increases damage against elites by (25-30)%

  精英怪所造成的伤害降低 (12.0-16.0)% Reduces damage from elites by (12.0-16.0)%

  所有技能的冷却时间缩短 (5.0-8.0)% Reduces cooldown of all skills by (5.0-8.0)%.

  受到的近战伤害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from melee attacks by (6.0-7.0)%

  受到的远程伤害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from ranged attacks by (6.0-7.0)%.

  爆击伤害提高 (26.0-50.0)% Critical Hit Damage Increased by (26.0-50.0)%

  爆击机率提高 (4.5-6.0)% Critical Hit Chance Increased by (4.5-6.0)%

  每秒恢复 (1864-2476) 点生命值 Regenerates(1864-2476) Life per Second

  控场类有害效果的持续时间缩短 (20-40)% Reduces duration of control impairing effects by (20-40)%

  生命之球与药水恢复量 +(20001-29713) Health Globes and Potions Grant+(20001-29713) Life.

  金币与生命之球拾取距离延长 (10-20) 码 Increases Goldand Health Pickup by (10-20) Yards.

  杀死敌人时掉落生命之球的机率提高 (3-4)% Enemies you kill have a (3-4)% additional chance to drop a health globe.

  击中时有机会造成 (10-20)% 的范围伤害 Chance to Deal(10-20)% Area Damage on Hit.

  击中生命恢复 +(1551-1980) +(1551-1980) Life per Hit

  击杀生命恢复 +(4252-5942) +(4252-5942) Life after Each Kill

  击杀怪物获得的经验值 +(140-200) Monster kills grant +(140-200) experience.

  使所有能量的消耗减少 (5-8)% Reduces all resource costs by (5-8)%.

  镶孔(1) Sockets (1)

  无视耐久度的毁损 IgnoresDurability Loss

  等级需求降低 (2-30) Level Requirement Reduced by (2-30)

  每秒攻击次数 Attacks per Second

  +5% 生命窃取 +5% ofDamage Dealt Is Converted to Life

  近战和远程攻击者每次击中受到 (1525-2000) 点伤害 Ranged andmelee attackers take (1525-2000) damage per hit

  先祖召唤的效果会持续到他们死亡为止 Callof the Ancients last until they die.

  (34.0-39.0)% 机率引发流血,在 5 秒内造成 (300-400)% 武器伤害 (16.0-21.0)%chance to inflict Bleed for (300-400)% weapon damage over 5 seconds.

  +(7-8) 圣怒上限 (只限圣教军) +(7-8) MaximumWrath (Crusader Only)

  +(7-8) 怒气上限 (只限野蛮人) +(7-8) MaximumFury (Barbarian Only)

  +(8-10) 戒律上限 (只限狩魔猎人) +(8-10) MaximumDiscipline (Demon Hunter Only)

  +(13-14) 精气上限 (只限武僧) +(13-14)Maximum Spirit (Monk Only)

  +(7-9) 秘能上限 (只限秘术师) +(7-9) MaximumArcane Power (Wizard Only)

  +(120-150) 法力上限 (只限巫医) +(120-150)Maximum Mana (Witch Doctor Only)

  消耗每点精气可获得 (126-148) 点生命值 (只限武僧) Gain(126-148) Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only)

  每秒精气凝聚提高 (2.17-3.00) 点(只限武僧) IncreasesSpirit Regeneration by (2.17-3.00) per Second (Monk Only)

  秘能恢复率每秒提高 2.00 点 IncreasesArcane Power Regeneration by 2.00 per Second

  爆击时获得 10 点秘能(只限秘术师) CriticalHits grant 10 Arcane Power (Wizard Only)

  每次击杀时获得 30 点法力 Grants 30 Manaper Kill

  法力恢复率每秒提高 (12.00-14.00) 点 (只限巫医) Increases ManaRegeneration by 12-14 per Second (Witch Doctor Only)

  憎恨恢复率每秒提高 (1.35-1.50) 点(只限狩魔猎人) Increases Hatred Regeneration by(1.35-1.50) per Second (Demon Hunter Only)

  消耗每点圣怒可获得 (276-327) 点生命值 (只限圣教军) Gain (276-327) Life per Wrath Spent(Crusader Only)

  圣怒恢复率每秒提高 (1.85-2.00) 点(只限圣教军)Increases Wrath Regeneration by (1.85-2.00)per Second (Crusader Only)

  消耗每点怒气可获得 289 点生命值 Gain 289 Lifeper Fury Spent

  怒气累积提高 2 点 Increases FuryGeneration by 2

  +(141-160) 毒素抗性 +(141-160)Poison Resistance

  +(141-160) 冰寒抗性 +(141-160)Cold Resistance

  +(141-160) 神圣抗性 +(141-160)Holy Resistance

  +(141-160) 秘法抗性 +(141-160)Arcane Resistance

  +(141-160) 电击抗性 +(141-160)Lightning Resistance

  +(141-160) 火焰抗性 +(141-160)Fire Resistance

  +(141-160) 物理抗性 +(141-160)Physical Resistance

  +(91-100) 全元素抗性 +(91-100)Resistance to All Elements

  火焰技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Fire skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  冰寒技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Cold skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  神圣技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Holy skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  电击技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Lightning skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  毒素技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Poison skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  秘法技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Arcane skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  物理技能造成的伤害提高 (15-20)% Physical skills deal (15-20)% more damage.

  击中有 (10.0-15.0)% 机率造成恐惧 (10.0-15.0)%Chance to Fear on Hit

  击中有 (1.0-5.1)% 机率造成目盲 (1.0-5.1)%Chance to Blind on Hit

  击中有 (10.0-20.0)% 机率造成定身 (10.0-20.0)%Chance to Immobilize on Hit

  击中有 (1.0-5.1)% 机率造成昏迷 (1.0-5.1)%Chance to Stun on Hit

  击中有 (1.0-2.6)% 机率造成冰冷 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Chill on Hit

  击中有 (1.0-2.6)% 机率造成冻结 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Freeze on Hit

  击中有 (1.0-2.6)% 机率造成击退 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Knockback on Hit

  击中有 (1.0-2.6)% 机率造成缓速 (1.0-2.6)%Chance to Slow on Hit

